
Copy-write or Copy-wrong? At R2b we take pride in our attention to detail and creative capabilities. If you’re looking for the words to sell or enhance your product/ service offering we can help.
From highly technical pieces to fun and engaging initiatives we can draw on a huge bank of resource and experience.
Oh, and we don’t costs the earth either. Whilst you might find cheaper on resource platforms R2b provide a quality guarantee others don’t.
If you’re not satisfied with the output we’ll go again until we get it 100% right for you – no extra fee, no gripes just a determination to satisfy the needs of our clients.
Social media has, over the past 15 years, grown into something of a marketing phenomenon. It’s so pervasive that it’s expected that every business regardless of size or sector should seize its potential.
At R2b we love being social BUT not at the expense of being logical and practical about the priorities. Not every platform offers commercial returns for every business, it’s horses for courses as they say and we’ve backed a few winners in our time.
Let us work with you to help manage your digital presence and make the most of that online audience.

Digital Audits – One thing is for sure there are no shortage of agencies, freelancers and email spammers who all promise that they can solve your online headaches.
Trouble is with so much choice how do you know if you’re picking the good, the bad or the downright ugly?
At R2b we have ultimate confidence in our capabilities and offer a guarantee that once we’ve lifted the bonnet to review your marketing engine we’ll be upfront and honest as to what we can and cannot do to help. Managing expectations is critical to satisfying our clients and setting realistic goals that help to grow your business is where we place our focus.